
Breathwork can be done in person, of virtually. This is a powerful process to release stored emotions and trauma in the body, without necessarily having to relive the experience.
During breathwork your conscious mind will not be running the show and we will be giving your body and subconscious a chance to release energy that is stuck and causing blockages. This is a physical and emotional experience that, in my opinion, is the most powerful and effective for restoring harmony in our body, mind and spirit. Afterall, we are spirits having a human experience.
I provide a safe container for you to breath and feel the sensations in your body. I will guide you through the breath itself and help you set intentions for the practice. I will be attentive the entire process if you need to reach out for assistance.
After the active breath we will wind down and discuss what you experience and navigate together the emotions that came to the surface.
This process will take a few days to weeks to fully integrate what comes up. Please allow at least a few days post breathwork to inquire about a reading or any additional concerns and questions.